
COIT’s Guide to Feces Stain Removal

Most of us encounter unwanted stains throughout our homes that carpet cleaners can typically handle. Dirt and dust collect rather easily amidst the constant rush of daily life, so we spray a little cleaner on and a few minutes later, our home is back to looking clean.

But how do you handle a tougher stain that isn’t exactly the most pleasant to remove? If you have a new baby at home, or if your dog or cat isn’t quite potty trained, you may find yourself having to deal with poop stain removal from time to time. Not the most fun exercise in the world, right?

With COIT’s step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to remove feces stains with a few household products.

Puppy sitting on carpet next to feces

How to Approach Feces Stain Removal

The best way to approach poop stain removal is to first make sure you know which type of surface you’re working with. If you’re wondering how to remove feces stains from carpet, for example, it’s best to know what kind of fibers your carpet has. If you’ve encountered a poop stain on an antique rug, you may want to look into professional carpet cleaning before spraying any old cleaner directly onto it.

Popular Products Used for Poop Stain Removal

Like most products on the market, there is a ton of competition when it comes to selecting a product that works best to get rid of unexpected feces stains. Here are just a few you can choose from when tackling this problem at home:

• Poop-Off All Marine Bird Poop Remover Brush Top

• Fizzion Pet Stain & Odor Remover Refill Tablets

• BlueMagic 900 Carpet Stain & Spot Lifter

• KIDS 'N' PETS Brand - Stain & Odor Remover

With countless other products to choose from, it can be a bit overwhelming when trying to decide which one to use in your home. Try picking one and testing it on the affected surface, but always be sure to follow the instructions on the bottle.

Professional Cleaning Services

Sometimes even the best cleaners and most tried and tested do-it-yourself solutions can’t quite conquer tough feces stains. To ensure your home is as clean and germ-free as possible, consider calling COIT to learn more about our expert stain removal techniques. With a 100% satisfaction guarantee or your money back, we’ll help you conquer tough feces stains so you can focus on enjoying a clean and healthy home.

Ricardo Cleaning Carpet

Home remedies not working?

If you’re still battling stubborn stains after trying these home remedies, professional cleaning may be a good option to explore. Check out COIT’s Cleaning Services to learn more about the help we can offer.

Contact COIT for stain removal help