Use Salt for Wine
Pour salt on the wine spill to keep it from setting until you figure out which method of clean up you would like to go with.

Use White Wine for Red Wine
Pour white wine over the stained area and blot the liquid up with a thick towel. If the stain is still visible, you can add salt to continue lifting out pigment.

Use Shaving Cream for Juice
Blot the stain, pat it with a wet sponge, squirt some shaving cream on it, and then wipe clean with a damp sponge.

Use Beer for Coffee or Tea
Pour a bit of beer right on top. Rub the beer lightly into the material, and the stain should disappear. Repeat as necessary.

Use Rubbing Alcohol for Glue
Moisten a soft cloth with rubbing alcohol and press it on the affected area. Once the glue is thoroughly moistened, wipe and repeat until the carpet is clean.

Use Ice for Gum
Freeze with a wrapped ice cube, then peel off the frozen gum.